#5: AI in Social Media - Snapchat AI; AI in Food Industry - McDonald's DriveThrough; AI in Healthcare - AI is everywhere! by M Konda

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AI Dev: Drone Delivery, Apple Intelligence, House Chore Humanoid to Gen AI Competition - And More! by M Konda

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Part 3/3 of the Ingest Pipelines mini-article series: Loading PDF files Let’s just say that our business requirement is to load PDF files (imagine a load of legal documents or …

Part 2/3 of the Ingest Pipelines mini-article series: Overview In the last article, we learned that Ingest pipelines help transformation and manipulation of data with relatively minimal or no costly …

Part 1/3 of the Ingest Pipelines mini-article series: Overview Data that’s expected to be indexed into Elasticsearch may need to undergo transformation and manipulation. Consider an example of loading millions …

Part 2 of the Java API client mini-series. In the last article, we learned how to instantiate the Java API client. In this instalment, we will use the client to …

Elasticsearch is written in Java language and as you can expect there’s a native support for invoking Elasticsearch APIs using its Java Client library. It is built using fluent API …

Synonyms are different words with the same meanings. For example, football and soccer (the latter being the way football was called in America), both should point to a football game. The …

We discuss and understand master role in Elasticsearch cluster in this two-part article series Every node in a cluster can have multiple roles assigned to them: master, data, ingest, ml …

Elasticsearch comes with tons of settings and configurations that may baffle even expert engineers. Although it uses the convention over configuration paradigm and works with defaults most of the time, it is …

Mini-series of Snapshotting Feature Automating snapshots We’ve just seen the mechanism for creating snapshots, but these are ad hoc snapshots: you create them on demand (for example, when you are …

Mini-series of Snapshotting Feature Creating snapshots Now that we’ve gone through the process of registering a snapshot repository, the next step is to create snapshots so the data gets backed …

Mini-series of Snapshotting Feature Introduction to Snapshotting Running applications in production without backup and restore functionality is risky. Data in our clusters is expected to be stored in a durable …

One question that always arises when we talk about shards is the sizing. For argument’s sake, we will focus on a use case with one index on a 5-node cluster …

One powerful feature of Elasticsearch is its ability to scale up the server to provide petabytes of data. There is no complexity in setting this up, other than procuring additional …

Elasticsearch has a handful of advanced queries dedicated to serving specialized functions. For example, finding similarly looking documents using more_like_this query or giving a few documents a bit more importance using pinned query, and …

In this article, we explore all about percolate queries. Searching for a set of documents given an input is straightforward. All we need to do is to return search results from the …