Spelling mistakes during a search are common. We may at times search for a word with an incorrect letter or letters; for example, searching for rama movies instead of drama movies. The search can …

Overview Indices are expected to grow in size as data pours in over time. Sometimes an index is written too frequently that the underlying shards run out of memory, and …

This is part 5/5 series on Mapping: In the last article, we learned about some of the core and common data types to represent our data fields. In this article, …

This is part 4/n series on Mapping: This is a tad bit of a longer article with hands-on examples — be sure to have your running instance of Elasticsearch and …

This is part 3/n series on Mapping: Elasticsearch is intelligent to derive the mapping information based on our documents, however, there is a chance things could end up with an …

This is part 2/n series on Mapping: When we try to index a document for the first time, both the mapping and the index will be created automatically. The engine …

This is part 1/n series on Mapping: Data is like a rainbow — it comes multi-coloured. Business data comes in various shapes and forms, usually represented as textual information, dates, …

This is the sixth article of a series of articles explaining Elasticsearch as simple as possible with practical examples. The articles are condensed versions of the topics from my upcoming …

This is the fifth article of a series of articles explaining Elasticsearch as simple as possible with practical examples. The articles are condensed versions of the topics from my upcoming …

This is the third article of a series of articles explaining Elasticsearch as simple as possible with practical examples. The articles are condensed versions of the topics from my upcoming …

Python is the most popular programming language of this decade on this earth. Period. In the last few years, it has gone leaps and bounds, becoming a de-facto programming language …

This is the fourth article of a series of articles explaining Elasticsearch as simple as possible with practical examples. The articles are condensed versions of the topics from my upcoming …

This is the second article of a series of articles explaining Elasticsearch as simple as possible with practical examples. The articles are condensed versions of the topics from my upcoming …

This is the first article of a series of articles explaining Elasticsearch as simple as possible with practical examples. The articles are condensed versions of the topics from my upcoming …